DigimonBrawlArena Secret

The best Digimon RPG Game! DBA Arcane Secret........

The Arkadimon

Arkadimon resembles a mix of a spider and a leech when first hatched. When Sigma came back from his fight against Tai, Neo let Arkadimon (in the Fresh Baby form) fight against Sigma's partner Piedmon. Although Arkadimon was only a Baby Digimon while Piedmon was a Mega, Pied was still defeated when the crab-like arm that was released from Arkadimon's back impaled itself into Piedmon. Arkadimon then absorbed Piedmon data and Digivolved into the Rookie form.

Super Joke : Mega pawned by Baby :X


Arkadimon Baby

Arkadimon has joined Digimon Brawl Arena.He is pickable in digimon tavern.

Here the Full Guide to Evolution line for Arkadimon in DBA :
How to evolve : *Screenshot Provided*

♥Arkadimon Baby-  data drain Piedmon♥

♥Arkadimon Child-  data drain Panjamon♥

♥Arkadimon - Kill Seraphimon♥

♥Arkadimon Ultimate - Kill Demon♥

♥Arkadimon Super Ultimate - Get killed by Armagemon or enemy Player♥

TOP SECRET: You don't know this.

♥Arkadimon GODMODE♥

For the people knew it, try don't tell other how to make it.
♥Arkadimon Super Godmode♥
The over-powered

♥Arkadimon Demon mode♥
the 1 hit KO skill is fun :D